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Night of Chamber Music in 4 Concerts

Thursday, December 6, 2018, from 7pm to midnight, Jacques Kreisler Auditorium, Cité des Arts.

Night of chamber music

The TETRAKTYS ensemble celebrates its 30th anniversary!

To celebrate this event, TETRAKTYS is offering you a concert night in the auditorium of the Cité des arts, which now bears the name of the association's first president, the wonderful and late Jacques Kreisler.

This evening will open at 7pm with a first concert composed of the program of the new CD, "BRITISH and son on", recorded for the label KLARTHE on the occasion of its public release. Concocted with the savoury and witty pieces of Ralph Vaughan Williams, Benjamin Britten and Malcolm Arnold, this recording presents an original and accessible program that reflects TETRAKTYS' artistic approach since its inception.

The evening will continue until midnight (concerts at 7pm, 9pm, 10pm and 11pm) with the great classical and romantic repertoire of chamber music, but also with the music of Eric Tanguy, composer in residence at the International Festival, a partner of TETRAKTYS for many years.

As every year, post-graduate students of the conservatory will be invited to share the stage with fifteen professional musicians of the ensemble. Some surprises also with some of the founding members of TETRAKTYS, who came back to celebrate this special moment.

7pm: "British and so on": ARNOLD / BRITTEN / WILLIAMS




Free participation, collection at the hat for the benefit of the association.

Signing session of the new TETRAKTYS CD "British and so on" from 20h15

7pm and 11pm concerts by reservation

Concerts of 21h and 22h in free access within the limit of available places

In partnership with the CRR du Grand Besançon and with the support of the City of Besançon, the Département du Doubs, the company ABEO, and Société Générale

Later Event: November 6
Quatuor Impact