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Quatuor Impact

Collaborations - Master

Quatuor Impact

Guest User

With pieces by Alessandro Perini, Alexandros Markeas, Simon Steen-Andersen, Natasha Diels, Simon Løffler.

Artistic direction: Julia Robert
Outside look: Johanne Saunier
Light: Baptiste Joxe
Sound: Clément Lemêtre
Production: Leidesis Company

Co-productions and residencies: Vanves Theater, La Muse en Circuit, Royaumont Foundation

This project has been supported by DRAC Île-de-France, ARCADI Île-de-France, ADAMI and Spedidam.

The Descartes Automata are inspired by the thought of the philosopher, who describes his trouble with the movement of figures he can not call human or mechanical. On the border of the real and the artificial, in a body-to-body with the technologies that surround them, the four musician-automates animate in the darkness a succession of visual, musical and choreographic paintings.

The IMPACT Quartet invites you to an experimental and dreamlike journey among the contemporary works that make up this program. Each piece explores a facet of the marionnettique body, questions the quartet entity, the relation to the score and the writing of the movement. The works respond to one another, creating a memory of the gesture, echoes, repetitions, which contribute in various nuances to the progressive disarticulation of the humanity of the musicians who have become the abstract cogs of this mechanical ballet.

The teaser