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Pedagogical Projects - Master


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From Latin, “innovare” means to “renew”, “novare” means to invent, to build, or to change.


Au plan étymologique, « innovation » vient du latin innovation et « innover », vient du latin innovare, « renouveler », de novare « renouveler ; inventer, forger ; changer ». 

Whether scientific advances, technology breakthroughs, or new aesthetics, the common ingredient is creative, out of the box thinking.   In this project-based process, each student will study and perform one piece in the musique ancienne tradition and a piece from the contemporary repertoire with electronics.

Whether approaching 17th century or 21st century repertoire, we place curiosity, critical thinking, deep understanding, the rules and tools of experimentation, and creative brainstorming at the center of the curriculum.

Chamber Music Exchange

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Collaborating between the Conservatories of Besançon, Paris, and Nancy, the three chamber music professors Szuhwa Wu, Isabelle Grandet, and Nadia Cauvin, launched the Chamber Music Exchange Project. Students in strings, winds, keyboard instruments are all welcome to participate.

After weeks of preparation, selected students from the conservatories travel to the partner city, receiving further masterlcasses and perform before live audiences.

Digital Creative

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At the Conservatoire de Montbéliard, “Digital Creative” was founded by Szuhwa Wu, Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch, Giacomo Platini, and Jacopo Baboni Schilingi. In workshops led by composition professors and myself, advanced music students improvise, record, process, transform, and edit their own digital productions.  Guided by a team of professors, students experience the creative process first-hand and compose a short piece for his/her instrument and electronics.