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Teaching since 1999, I have worked with students ages 4 to 42, beginners to advanced, helping them develop the skills to fully express themselves through music.  Professor of violin and chamber music, I also founded the “Digital Creative” course and “New Music Workshop” at the Besançon and Montbéliard Conservatories.

At the core of my teaching is a love of working with students, mentoring them and sharing a mutual love of music. Over the years my students — whether from public schools in Harlem or from the Conservatory in Paris —have allowed me to develop a broad range of tailored approaches. I emphasise critical listening, effective practice hacks, and creative thinking.

Enriched by my collaborations with composers, dancers, and actors who provide fresh entry points to our technical or musical work, my teaching has evolved from my own curiosity about connecting with others artistically.  I enjoy especially leading project-based workshops, leading through students through a process of exploration, reflection, improvisational and compositional exercises.