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Musical Encounters with the architecture of Andrea Palladio

Collaborations - Master

Musical Encounters with the architecture of Andrea Palladio

Guest User

A concert series in and around the buildings of Palladio 

Musical promenades in 6 architecturally significant sights, including villas by Palladio.  Compositions and improvisations for violin, trumpet, saxophone and electronics.

Methods of architectural sketch and of spatial thinking in general can function as tools for musical composition. The project ‘Musical encounters with the architecture of A. Palladio’ takes this concept one step further to develop the role of architecture into that of a leading character. Or, better said, it places the creative potential borne of music and architecture’s encounter in a central place. Our goal is to create music that does not simply get performed in an appropriate room. Rather, it stands in strong connection with and opens itself up to the performance location – in this case, the buildings of Andreas Palladio. The history of the locations, with respect to our consciousness thereof, will thus also play a role, along with all other aspects which we perceive from the space with our senses.

Music and trumpet: Damian Zangger
Saxophone: Raphael Camenisch
Electronics: Thomas Peter
Violin: Szuhwa Wu